The Day Before, in Cahampionship Week!
Well, so much for good omens, that clear moonlit sky changed steadily over night to rain filled clouds that all seem to burst every time I needed to leave the lorry or the stables. When I was safely tucked inside, it seemed to be emptying its contents on the outdoor warm-up arena that now resembles a ploughed field in November. Luckily with a horse that looks designed for riding into battle, he has feet the size of dinner plates and wasn’t the least bit bothered by it. Rex is so laid back at this point I practically have to lift him around the stable. When he’s not got his head over the wall chatting to his neighbour, he’s pulling at the twine on his hay-net in an effort to empty it all on the floor. He seems to find it exasperating to have to methodically pull it out of those little holes. I suppose it’s not strange that we both get on so well, “chatty” “ loves food” and dangerous to anyone who gets in front of it” I do often wonder what he’d be like full of caffeine? He was terribly good today, nice and relaxed and seems totally in his element here on the show grounds.
The lorry park is filling up, with a few familiar faces and lots of unfamiliar faces, which does reflect the new interest in dressage. South East Dressage did have a little get together thanks to Mary Cox, Chairperson of our region and it was great to catch up with the old reliables. Over a glass of wine we dissected the show programme, there is an impressive number in my classes with some really high calibre horses. We’ll have our work cut out for us but we’ll be giving it socks.
Some of the arriving competitors don’t seem to be too savvy at parking their lorries and trailers so what was a nice neat little corner of my own suddenly became the end of a very long maze of abandoned vehicles. Every square of concrete has a skew ways lorry and it’s contents strewn around it usually with a little yappy dog tied to it! One such dog spent the night howling his lungs off while his owners had a restful night at a local B&B. As you can imagine it took a lot of coffee to make me even barely sociable after that. The coffee supplies are quickly dwindling, a little bit like my patience.