Last Saturday saw me getting up at the crack of dawn as usual, but with the dark mornings I seem to only dive further into my coffee addiction. Seven o clock saw me grabbing a lift with friends to Limerick, about three and a half hours away to travel to the Irish RIBBF (Republic of Ireland Bodybuilding Federation)They were staffing a stand for NPC active wear and I was there to help out and hang out. NPC is a great new venture of friends Will and Hans Vogul, Hans is a competitive bodybuilder and trainer and has been helping me with advice for a couple of months now. Saturday found him away from the clothing stand and on stage in the super heavy weight category of the competition. He was barely pipped for first place in the class but was more than credible runner up.
At the stand next to us, Ronnie Coleman or Mr “O” as he’s often called was signing autographs and T-shirts. Ronnie holds the title of winning eight Mr Olympia competitions, that makes him the Anky Van Grunsven of the bodybuilding world! The man is absolutely monstrous but couldn’t have been more friendly, he had just flown in, was guest posing at the competition and was driving up north to do a seminar in the morning. He didn’t bat an eyelid at the queues around the block for his stand. He signed a photograph for me and graciously wished me luck with the fitness career and the equine career. A true inspiration once you get over the fact that his bicep is the size of my entire upper leg!