This is complete mindless wonder wandering so if you’re expecting something insightful or factual, log out now!
I’ve really been in a hazy daze these past few days... (see what I did there) Seriously I’ve have been meandering around in a sort of cloudy unclear bubble the last few weeks. It’s been a terribly long year and in some ways really terrible and in others an illustrious era, but of course we humans always endure, that’s exactly what we seem to do, endure. I have been wracking whats left of my brain examining this notion. Are we merely here to endure or is there any enchantment left for us?
My Moments of Enchantment
This is complete mindless wonder wandering so if you’re expecting something insightful or factual, log out now!
I’ve really been in a hazy daze these past few days... (see what I did there) Seriously I’ve have been meandering around in a sort of cloudy unclear bubble the last few weeks. It’s been a terribly long year and in some ways really terrible and in others an illustrious era, but of course we humans always endure, that’s exactly what we seem to do, endure. I have been wracking whats left of my brain examining this notion. Are we merely here to endure or is there any enchantment left for us?
Most Days, I’ve found my moments of enchantment with my horses, often more than glimpses of sheer and utter contentment, long pauses that trick me into a quietness that isn’t often enough afforded us. Just the soft serene noise of a horses hooves skimming the sod, breathe heavy in the cold air and a breeze that oh so gladly blows away the thoughts and troubles of everyday life. The feel of a horses muzzle snuffling through your hair as you stand lost in though by their side. The fantastic feeling of connection they allow us. Not to say that I haven’t a great connection with my fiance Shawn but those of you who know me know I can be a bit cantankerous and reactive so his job isn’t always the easiest one in the world, so I should thank him for that.
Okay, back on point, this elusive enchantment, I’ve decided to buck the trend, again, much to the annoyance of most everyday sane people (May I mention here how little I like you sane people, I’ve been pretending!) I’m going to surround myself with only things that enchant me. Whether they are profitable, practical, pragmatic or normal isn’t going to affect my judgment one minuscule, microscopic bit. If It intrigues me, makes me muse, makes me smile, that is my one and only priority.
Now, here’s the important bit, please take note. If you meet me out and about and I look like I’m having a swell time in my own world, please do me the courtesy of leaving me there and not mentioning, recessions, elections or lack of money. Perhaps, I might even be able to offer you some of my supply of enchantment for your own use or you might just be one of those “sane” people I actually dislike intensely and don’t want to have to tell you why so lets just smile and enjoy the sunshine for now, not living in doubt but just living in a little place of enchantment.