I just got back from the gym, first time back in over three weeks. A bit of a switch from the fanatic every day six days a week, sometimes twice a day. If I’m truthful, I didn’t miss it one tiny bit. Usually when I miss a day I get that niggling feeling in the back of my brain, right around the same place, towards the back on the left near guilt. This time however I took a few moments to muse why and where it was all coming from.
Most of you who know me, know the I have this annoying habit of talking without thinking, uncensored and incessant. It turns out that it hasn’t really worked in my favour.

Friends in the horse world like to tell me all about what I should be doing in the gym or not doing, friends in the fitness world like to do the same and friends in bodybuilding and weightlifting are equally as outspoken. I suppose if I’m willing to discharge my thoughts to all and sundry, all and sundry will offer an opinion back. Amongst all of that, I never really took the time to figure out what I wanted from all this time and effort at the gym.
Other riders and trainers are so determined than it’s all about being slim, constantly telling me to watch the weightlifting. Trainers at the gym want me aiming for marathons, despite the fact I can’t abide running, and those ever friendly bodybuilders who just can’t help coming up to me in the gym when my head’s about to explode from the amount of weight I’m lifting to tell me I’m not lifting nearly heavy enough and why am I so thin. Why are we so quick to decide for people whats right for them?

While I’m getting my head right deciding where I want to go with the gym work, let me allay some of your fears. I am naturally slim, always was and always will be, I will never be too heavy, too muscled up for my horses. I can run and regularly do, usually after my horse as he cavorts across the paddock and thats all I ever want to be able to do, and for those of you wondering if I’m ever going to add some size or muscle, since starting in the gym I’ve added over nearly 50lbs of muscle, for those of you who are horsey, that's a big bag of horse feed.