Sun Is Up, Time To Shine!
The sun peeked, lifted and crept it’s way across the grass this morning, stretching it’s warmth and lengthening the shadows turning shades of green into dappled yellow and speckled gold. As I step out the door for work in the morning, no longer in the dark, those dark morning hours are reserved now strictly for the long march to the gym floor.
Work hours and horse hours are instead greeted by this sight of the rising sun with a coffee in hand and a satisfied smile on my face that I’ve been and back from excruciating exercises all in the name of vascular vanity.
This shiny new minutes in the orb of light have an amazing magical quality, an effect strong enough that it washes my body of all the darkness and greyness of winter. In quick moments already I’ve forgotten all about midnight blue skies as I mucked out or threw blankets across the backs of grateful steeds who tucked away from the touches of Mr Frost.
It makes me think these glimmering instants in the sunshine are like those feel-full magical connections I make with my horses. Tiny twinklings where everything comes together for just even the briefest, tiniest of glimpses where just a thought from my burgeoned brain transfers through my body and is reflected in the most glorious movements and steps of dance.
Recently Rex has been offering these glimpses, showing me and guiding me even to some truly remarkable work, not even work because in those moments I lose all track of time, all logic and heady thought leaves me and it’s just a partnership, movement for beauties sake. Lengthening and shortening, flexing, contorting, smoothing through space becoming not a result but a way of going.

He and most of the other horses now are ready to begin their competition season, strong and supple from all those weeks and months training in the cocoon of the indoor away from rain and wind. I’ve pulled my show jacket out of the back of the cupboard, gathered the trappings of competition and have dusted off my boots. Lets hope the sun sends it’s blessings on us and wraps us in its light as we hit the show circuit this year.
Work hours and horse hours are instead greeted by this sight of the rising sun with a coffee in hand and a satisfied smile on my face that I’ve been and back from excruciating exercises all in the name of vascular vanity.
This shiny new minutes in the orb of light have an amazing magical quality, an effect strong enough that it washes my body of all the darkness and greyness of winter. In quick moments already I’ve forgotten all about midnight blue skies as I mucked out or threw blankets across the backs of grateful steeds who tucked away from the touches of Mr Frost.
It makes me think these glimmering instants in the sunshine are like those feel-full magical connections I make with my horses. Tiny twinklings where everything comes together for just even the briefest, tiniest of glimpses where just a thought from my burgeoned brain transfers through my body and is reflected in the most glorious movements and steps of dance.
Recently Rex has been offering these glimpses, showing me and guiding me even to some truly remarkable work, not even work because in those moments I lose all track of time, all logic and heady thought leaves me and it’s just a partnership, movement for beauties sake. Lengthening and shortening, flexing, contorting, smoothing through space becoming not a result but a way of going.

He and most of the other horses now are ready to begin their competition season, strong and supple from all those weeks and months training in the cocoon of the indoor away from rain and wind. I’ve pulled my show jacket out of the back of the cupboard, gathered the trappings of competition and have dusted off my boots. Lets hope the sun sends it’s blessings on us and wraps us in its light as we hit the show circuit this year.