New blog, Stable To Stable Equestrian Magazine

I'm now blogging for the fabulous Stable to Stable Equestrian Magazine so between here, there, Facebook and Yahoo you have no excuse to not be able to keep up on whats happening in stable Ivan! Check me out at Stable to Stable here.

If you're like me and too lazy to follow the link (but please do at some point check them out, it's a great website), here's a copy of whats going into Stable To Stable.

I’ve been sitting and watching the edges of my life. Peering into the darkly lit corners to
see if shadows are moving or is it just a trick of the light. Looking for some sort of sign of
madness. I’ve been a card holding member of the lunacy club for quite a while. You get
your card stamped as soon as you enter the world of horses.
It’s been a superb first month here at the new yard. After a perilous journey which took four
days all in all, each horse has settled in happily to their new habitats without so much as a
grumble. I’ve settled in with only a few minor grumbles, but nothing my better half isn’t
used to. Neighbours are more than friendly and have already saved the day. The sun has
been shining almost every day. And yet I’m determined to find a way to slowly drive myself
bonkers and turn my hair even more grey. (Thanks to my young stylist for pointing out how
much more grey I have become at each appointment.)
On our official opening day, we had an informative afternoon with an Alexander Technician,
Sue Rotheram, who, in just one minute, politely managed to put her finger on the button
on my positional faults in front of sixty or so people. No pressure! So in my fuzzy brained
state, lunacy-card in hand, I’ve joined a new gym, starting my journey to the peak of physical fitness all over again.
Luckily “The Gym” (appropriately named) is less than ten minutes away, allowing me to
feed my madness with two hours of gym training every evening, a new yoga and pilates
class and my latest fad, wheatgrass shots. To further the lunacy, my trainer and nutritionist
back in Ireland, Susan Mitchell of Elite Fitness has me on a new routine and a new meal
plan. I asked her since I had been so good on the old one could I indulge in a big bag of
greasy chips from the local chipper that faces the gym and she said absolutely, absolutely not!
What’s all this mania about? An 18 3 dressage horse that more than inspires me to
greatness everyday. He’s the motivation to get my little (but now tightly muscled, thank
you) ass into the gym everyday. He’s more than the motivation, he’s the one that makes it
a habit, makes it a routine. At 18 3, and needing support, you suddenly discover the aches
and pains the Alexander woman pointed out are the bits that stunt a pirouette, get in the
way of a graceful half pass, or block that half halt.
So each crazy shift of weight, each insane lift of a dumbbell, each deranged yoga stretch
gets my crazy hours logged, but it also gets me closer to that one moment — the glorious
feeling of harmony and lightness with my horse. Of breathing and melding into a
movement without hesitation and without having to go for a nap afterwards. So punch my
card, have the men in white coats on standby. Because I can feel greatness within my
grasp in this partnership, and if it takes 265,453 sit ups to do it, I’m there.


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