It’s late light, sun dipping down and I’m finally sat, still for the first time in what seems like an eternity. My body is tired, no more than usual, my muscles ache, no more than usual but my brain feels unusual. Unusually clear and free. Anyone who knows me knows my tendency to over-think, to fill my mind with useless clutter and noise. Today there's no noise but the ocean outside my kitchen window and the birds twittering softly in the evening luminosity. 

 (Excuse the graininess but I was determined to capture the view from my little cottage window)

As much as I try resist change like any good patriotic Irish male, my mothers voice rings true, a change is as good as a holiday. Now I wouldn’t call it three weeks away in the sun but it has been such an immense shift to move back to the Northern tip of this little green glossy isle and find what I love most. Hands on with horses, riding and teaching, taking a passion and a love and transferring that over to them and to their riders.
New clients, both horses and riders, has opened up new challenges and caused the most unexpected lift in my enthusiasm. Moving out of a bubble of comfort and exploring all those little thoughts and ideas on training and teaching has allowed me to concentrate the thought in my little brain, to focus it onto the things that really matter. Mornings filled with quiet contemplation on my own horses and sliding into the afternoon of new exciting horses of every make shape and temperament. Before I’ve even had time to think I’m home in my house by the seas edge allowing my body to sink into the comfort of an old well worn armchair, listening to the birds and feeling, with content, my aches and pains sure in the knowledge they got there from doing something I love ever so much.


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