Carrots and Parsnip

I’ve never been a fan of vegetables no matter how good they are for you. I went through a stage of telling people I was allergic to chlorophyll to avoid eating anything green. I did however recently have my mind changed towards parsnips.  

I met with Parsnip not long after I moved to the island and being kin folk there was an immediate fellowship, then again being Irish there was something else we had in common, stubbornness! Through the last couple of years my relationship with Parsnip has been tried and tested. We butted heads on more than one occasion and many a sleepless night I’ve spent exploring the deepest depths of my knowledge trying to find ways to help him be more cooperative.

Stick and carrot won out in the end only after Parsnip and I had our first proper bonding moment when he led me around Equifest show grounds in Peterborough when my nerves were frayed on a friends show horse. At that point Parsnip had never left the Isle of Man for such a large show but with a roll of his eye he took the lead and escorted me back to safety.
From then on I felt a little more inclined to be patient with him.
Parsnip and his rider Eve continued to surprise me and there have been moments of pure pleasure watching them work. I’ve watched them, like an adoring albeit dubious parent taking their first steps of shoulder in, leg yield and counter canter.

Little achievements have blossomed into great triumphs. I’m proud to be part of his journey as he teaches his rider (And me) to love vegetables.


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